In this issue ...
- What makes a home? (by LuAnn Wolfe Davis ’82, vice president for Advancement, p. 4)
- Learning communication for the digital world (by Joellyn Sheehy ’14, p. 5)
- Union students help with Hurricane Sandy cleanup (by Ryan Teller ’98, p. 6)
- $50,000 grant launches program to help students find “calling” (by Joellyn Sheehy ’14, p. 7)
- Order Union transcripts online (by Ruby Ruano ’14, p. 7)
- Film festival challenges students to explore the world of the blind (by Jeri Lyn Rogge ’95, p. 8)
- Our Promising Future Campaign tops $13 million (by Ruby Ruano ’14, p. 9)
- Maximizing Life by Minimizing Stuff (by Lauren Bongard Schwarz ’04, p. 10-11)
- At Home in a strange land (by Nicole Onjukka MeHarry ’04, p. 12-13)
- Creating the perfect home (by Ruby Ruano ’14, p. 14-15)
- Love of Family and Home (by Mindy Liebelt ’11, p. 16)
- Science Building Update (Photos by Steve Nazario, p. 17)
- Saying goodbye to an old home (p. 18-20)
- Tribute to the teachers of Jorgensen Hall (by Linda Skinner, p. 21)
- Building a home, not a house (by Mindy Liebelt ’11, p. 22-23)
- Union employees help students feel at home (by Joellyn Sheehy ’14, p. 24-25)
- I have to live where? With whom? (by Melissa Ratter ’16, p. 26-27)
In every issue
- Class-ifieds (28-31)
- People Placements (31-32)
- In Memory (32-36)
- ForeSight (2, 37)